sebastopol Kiwanis Members- 2025

Co-Presidents:  Bruce Nachtigall & Julie Isley

Secretary: Bruce Nachtigall

Co-Treasurers: Pat Hannan & Philena Chantha

Members: Melinda Bachman, Steve Carpenter, Mathew Carson, Philena Chantha, Aubury Doherty, Mary Ely, Elizabeth Fox, Steve French, Pat Hannan, Ralph Harmon, Mark Hogan, Lisa Hyde, Steve Hyde, Julie Isley, Lawrence Jaffe, Joseph Jimenez, Callie Konno, Robin Latham, Craig Litwin, Kaye Love, Barry Lutz, Natalie McNamara, Rhett Marzett, Bruce Nachtigall, Matt Schweifler, Brad Smith, Beverly Young.

Little Known Facts: As part of their opening ceremonies, members of Sebastopol Kiwanis repeat aloud their unique Earth Pledge: “I pledge to live lightly on this precious planet so that our children’s children may experience its joys.” This was the coinage of past member Ken Smith, aka Uncle Sam. An architect, Ken was an early adopter of the carbon dioxide explanation for global warming.

Poverty, homelessness, and health care for the indigent have been at the center of Kaye Love’s volunteer work both in and out of Kiwanis. A retired equestrian trainer and breeder, she has also cared for, rescued and adopted countless pets and horses.

Phil Aron, a retired lawyer and member of several Kiwanis clubs since 1961, has served in several important leadership roles in Sebastopol. In 2017 he was designated “Godfather of the Senior Center” in honor of of his many services; Phil was contract manager of a major re-construction of the Sebastopol Senior Center that was completed in 2003. The Center now bears his name.

Pat Hannan, a psychiatrist and our co-treasurer, creates the playlist of classical music that accompanies the fireworks for our July 3 fireworks show and coordinates the firing of each individual device.

Bruce Nachtigall, a general contractor, has been our Secretary since anyone can remember. He supervised the construction of several major improvements of Libby Park, including most recently the bocce ball court.