Be a part of the best party in town!
Kiwanis membership offers the opportunity to work with other men and women for the benefit of our community and the world. Kiwanis is an international service club, with members in over 80 countries and 240,000 active members.
Our mission is reflected in our motto, “Serving the Children of the World”. We are a group of volunteers, dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. Anyone who wishes to support the greater Sebastopol community and participate in the Sebastopol Kiwanis Club may apply for membership.
Members are encouraged to become involved in areas of their individual interests, and to utilize and further develop leadership skills. Many lifetime friendships are formed. An enhanced sense of community and fellowship is inevitable with regular attendance.
Sebastopol Kiwanis member Barry Lutz receiving outstanding citizen award in Santa Rosa
Our Meetings
We host speakers from the local area and beyond to share information about their organizations, events, and other interesting topics as well as insights to issues affecting our local and global community. We meet every week, at the Sebastopol Community Cultural Center from 12:15 to 1:30pm. Guests and members are welcome to bring their own lunches.
Dues: Annual membership is $150 and due each October 1st.
The Earth Pledge is recited before each meeting:
“I pledge to live lightly on this precious planet, so that our children’s children may experience its joys and wonders.”
Interested in Joining Us?
We encourage you to experience what we are all about. We love being a Kiwanian. We love our club. We love sharing what we do with others. We live it.
We'd love to tell you more about our club. If interested, fill out this form. We look forward to hearing from you!